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Installing GeyserExtras

  • BungeeCord

  • Paper

  • Purpur

  • Spigot

  • Velocity

  • Waterfall

This is the recommended way to install GeyserExtras, and has the most feature compatibility.

  1. Setup Geyser for your platform.
  2. Place the GeyserExtras-Platform.jar in the plugins/ folder of your server.
  3. Now, start your server, and the extension should run!

If your server logs look something like this:

[geyserextras] -------------GeyserExtras--------------
[geyserextras] Version: x.x.x
[geyserextras] Server Type: SERVER
[geyserextras] Platform Type: PLATFORM


[geyserextras] Done! (#.###s)
[geyserextras] ---------------------------------------

then setup is complete!